
Showing posts from January 16, 2019

Christian socialism

Part of a series of articles on Social Christianity Major figures Francis of Assisi Antoninus of Florence Felicité de Lamennais Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler Pope Leo XIII Adolph Kolping Edward Bellamy Washington Gladden Margaret Wedgwood Benn Phillip Berryman James H. Cone Eberhard Arnold Marc Sangnier Dorothy Day Leo Tolstoy Óscar Romero Gustavo Gutiérrez Leonardo Boff Hélder Câmara Pope John XXIII Abraham Kuyper Daniel Berrigan Philip Berrigan Martin Luther King Jr. Walter Rauschenbusch Desmond Tutu Tommy Douglas Pope Francis Organizations Confederation of Christian Trade Unions Bruderhof Communities Catholic Worker Movement Christian Socialist Movement World Movement of Christian Workers Key concepts Subsidiarity Christian anarchism Christian humanism Social Gospel Christian socialism Christian communism Liberation theology Postcolonial theology Black theology Praxis School Precarity Human dignity Social...
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