List of drugs: L

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

This multi-page article lists pharmaceutical drugs alphabetically by name. Many drugs have more than one name and, therefore, the same drug may be listed more than once. Brand names and generic names are differentiated by the use of capital initials for the former.

See also the list of the top 100 bestselling branded drugs, ranked by sales.

Abbreviations are used in the list as follows:

  • INN = International Nonproprietary Name

  • BAN = British Approved Name

  • USAN = United States Adopted Name

  • Two-letter codes for countries

List of drugs
1–9 |
A | B |
C | D |
E | F |
G | H |
I | J |
K | L |
M | N |
O | P |
Q | R |
S | T |
U | V |
W | X |
Y | Z

La | Le | Lf–Ln | Lo | Ls–Ly

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GghTgBl3LUXR YQbG9ZhpjnhrtHiF6hsp5h3EAbnOF,wY7iiG FALBvS0NxdfMOWbK,r 9TTC,uiEBg O05 gMx59Uei8TiTwXZ2 tmHv,xl1

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